It was 8:10pm on January 15th, 2022; a brutally wintry night (temperatures were about 7 degrees with single-digit wind chills), that I encountered a homeless man who I remember being terribly underdressed.
He offered to pump my gas, however, I declined, for safety reasons. The homeless young man, however, was very persistent, and he insisted, and for the same safety reasons, I gave in and allowed him to pump my gas.
I told the homeless man that I had already intended to give him money for a warm meal without him pumping my gas (which was true), and then handed him a five-dollar bill and a one-dollar bill, which was all the cash in my wallet.
He looked at the money and then looked at me. His expression reflected an overwhelming combination of surprise and gratitude, but gratitude won, and he thanked me and said, “now please let me bless you… let me say a prayer for you.” And before I had a chance to respond, the homeless man had begun to pray. While he prayed, my eyes glanced around for safety... that was until he began to prophesy. Then he had my full attention.
It was at that moment that the homeless man spoke of some extremely specific issues related to my place of employment (now former place of employment) and my experiences there, where everything that he said was accurate.
The very last words that the homeless man said to me as I got back in my vehicle was this:
‘You don’t need to be working for nobody. You have everything in you to run your own company. You’re supposed to be a CEO! You’re a boss!"
The homeless man said those words to me with such authority and conviction. I received it in my spirit, and I thanked him gave him high fives; a memorable moment for him and the witnesses nearby.
Again, that was on the night of January 15th, 2022, where after work, I stopped at a gas station, and received a sincere prayer, words of encouragement, and a prophetic word, from the heart of a homeless man.
Here is the amazing thing:
Later that evening, I had a supernatural encounter with God, where He gave me a vision, and spoke to me and gave me a business, my small business: Formula B Solutions Strategic Program Designers and Consulting Services. I must tell you that prior to January 15th, 2022, I had absolutely no plan to start a business of any sort. I had no business plan.
On January 18, 2022, I became an entrepreneur, founder, and owner of Formula B Solutions Strategic Program Designers & Consulting Services LLC.
I know that it was no coincidence that the homeless man spoke a prophetic word over my life about me having inside of me everything I need to run own company, and then just a couple of hours later, while at home, I had an encounter with God where He gave me a business (a business plan, a business name, and programs, and instructions on how to build it).
All I can say is, what an amazing experience. It is one that I can never forget. My encounter with that homeless young man was divine order. I hope that he is doing well and is a better situation than he was in when we met.
Friends, we must be kind to people because not only does it have a positive impact on the person on the receiving end of our kindness, but we also get to show someone the love of God, through us. Also, it pays to be kind. It really does. Had I never helped the young man... had I never talked to him and gave him my time, he would have not been able to pray for me.
Let us help each other.
Be encouraged. God loves you.
Love and peace,
Yolanda Billingslea (Ms. B)
FYI: My Facebook Page name is Yolanda Billingslea (my profile picture has "Unbreakable" across it). Be inspired and encouraged by my daily posts.
