Take a look at the picture below. Would you believe that had I taken this picture just 2 1/2 weeks ago, the only thing that would be visible in this flowerpot would be soil. That's right. Just moist soil. But as you can see today, growth has taken place. It did not happen at the same pace, oh, but they are still growing, and I have no doubt that the end results will be beautiful!
Here is the message: Whatever your goals are... Whatever you are working towards... whatever you are working on... whatever you are building, keep doing it! Be patient with yourself. It also so important that you keep your focus on you because if not, you may lose heart and get discouraged.
Do not measure your growth and success by looking at those around you. Others may accomplish their goals faster than you, but it does not mean that you will never accomplish yours.
Believe in yourself. Believe in your project. Consistency is the key.
You are going to be successful! Speak this over your life today!

Blessings, Love, and Peace to all,
Ms. Billingslea, Yolanda