I was not going to share what I am about to share for today’s Blog Post because as I thought about it for a couple of weeks, I kept telling myself that it was embarrassing, silly, and that it might seem ridiculous to people. And the funny part about that is, God is something else and He has a sense of humor, and I find that He likes to test me and see how far I will actually go/are willing to go in my obedience to Him.
So, this morning when I woke up, and after I prayed, I had already said to myself that I was not going to post anything on Facebook today, due to the mood that I was in. However, God totally changed my plans about that, and He put in my spirit (He told me) that it is not about me, but it’s about Him. He even gave me the topic to post about (‘Consistency’), because I had absolutely nothing in mind, and I had nothing planned. And, what I found so amazing is that my Blog Post topic for yesterday, 3.24.24, was about the very same thing (‘Consistency’), and I promise you that I had no intentions on making it the topic of my Facebook post.
Meanwhile, right after God gave me the topic for my Facebook post, He also told me the topic (the experience) to use for today’s Blog Post, and it was the very same topic that I have been avoiding using. And I said to myself, “oh boy God… you are something else”, but I knew that I would be obedient.
So, friends, today’s Blog Post is about a pink robe that I own.
I have this very cute vibrant, practically new, light pink robe that I own. The robe is pink with black crowns and a word written in script all over it. I initially bought the robe because of the color and because of the crowns that are all over it because I’m a Queen. Lol. I am though.
The word that is in black, that is all over the robe is, ‘Juicy’. However, for no other reason than because the robe is made by the designer brand, Juicy Couture.
Meanwhile, maybe about two to three weeks ago, I went in my bag full of clean laundry to pull it out to put it on because it was a little chilly inside of my apartment. At that moment, as my hand grabbed the robe to remove it out of the bag, God told me not to put that robe on. He told me not to wear it.
I am laughing a little right now because you might think that this is so ridiculous or whatever, and trust me, I thought the very same thing at that moment when God instructed me not to pull that robe out and put it on. So, I chose my other robe. It was not until a little later that day, as I meditated and prayed, that God revealed to me why He did not want me to put that robe on.
If you have not figured it out yourself by now, it is because of the word that is printed all over the robe (‘Juicy’). God feels that it is inappropriate for me… Because it is not like no one can see me with the robe on if I were to wear it, because they can. If I had privacy, I could and would certainly be able to wear that robe around my apartment, and I am sure that God would approve. I would not, however, wear the robe to go to the mailbox or to go down to the lobby to get a package.
It is interesting because, what I became sure about on the day that God told me not to put the pink robe on, was that God not only cares about how I am represented, but He also cares about how I represent myself. And that realization moved my heart in such a way, and since that day, I have been more than mindful of how I represent myself in everything that I do, and it is because, as a child of God, as a woman of God, and as His disciple, I represent Him. And at no time do I want to misrepresent God. And that is why I will always be obedient to Him/to the Holy Spirit. It is because it is for my good.
My experience with God and the pink robe shows you that the Holy Spirit/God, really do indeed not only lead us and guide us, but also teaches us all things as Scripture says. Because on my own (operating outside of God), I was going to wear that robe. And not only did God tell me not to, but He gave me the reason for it and the lesson in it (in His instruction), and that is what teachers do. That is what Fathers do. I really do love the Lord.
By the way, I told God this morning that if I needed to wear the pink robe, I will wear it on the wrong side (so that the letters would not show). I didn’t get any push-back from Him. Lol. We’ll see.
Be encouraged. Be blessed. God loves you.
I pray that you have an experience with God that changes your life.
Love and peace,
Yolanda Billingslea (Ms. B)
FYI: My Facebook Page name is Yolanda Billingslea (my profile picture has "Unbreakable" across it). Be inspired and encouraged by my daily posts.
And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus… Colossians 3:17 (NLT)
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. - John 14:26
But he [Jesus said], “Blessed rather are those who hear the Word of God and keep it.” Luke 11:28
Song: Not About Us (It’s about Jesus) – Bishop Noel Jones
