God is the best friend that you can have because not only will He love you like no one else in this world can, but God is also loyal, faithful, trustworthy, compassionate, empathetic, and He is a positive influence.
It gets better: God can do for you what no other friend (or person) can do for you, such as heal you and deliver you (from whatever has a hold on you. For example, addictions). God can also change your life completely and transform you into the person that you were called to be/destined to be, according to His will.
God wants your friendship.
To be a friend of God would require you to spend time with Him to get close to Him and to get to know Him (and to get to know God is to fall in love with God. I'm a witness). When you reach this point/place of intimacy with God, is when God will begin to reveal things to you (things that you will not find in the Bible), in terms of what He has purposed your life for (your calling/what He ordained for your life).
“To the friends of God belongs the secrets of God.”
– Pastor William McDowell
The more quality time you spend alone with God (in communion with Him/in prayer), you will find that He will begin to give you instructions for your life. God will begin to lead you in a way that seems so unimaginable, and it will have you in awe of just how amazing He is. And the path that God will lead you on, will lead you right to your destiny/that which He called you to do/that which He revealed to you (or will reveal to you), His promise for your life.
But guess what? Obedience is key. You must be obedient. Do exactly what God instruct you to do, and you will see that it will not only keep you on the right path (the path of righteousness/right-standing with God), but your life will be blessed, and through your obedience, God will reveal more amazing (and important) things to you and His favor will be on your life.
Here is my testimony for today, 3.1.24, concerning me being deliberate and intentional with spending time alone with God each day (different times throughout the day), to not only pray, but to also listen to what He wants to say to me/reveal to me:
For several weeks now, I have been trying to figure out how I would do a certain thing (I will not mention it right now) on my own. I have constantly been trying to figure out how it would be done, because it seemed impossible, considering my current situation.
Well, this morning, after I prayed and had some quiet time alone with God, He gave me the answer/the solution with a clear demonstration on how I was to get “it” done. And not only that, but God also reminded me in that moment that if I just give “it” to Him (my problem(s)), that He will always provide the solutions to me and that He will always make a way for me, and that He will always be on time.
I will conclude with this:
When we get to know all the ways of God, and trust that He will show up in our lives, and be there for us on time, all the time, it allows for us to enter a space where we are anxiety-free, and stress-free, and fearless, and with that comes peace of mind. And that is a wonderful space to be in.
Get to know God for yourself. Become a friend of God. God wants your friendship. God wants a relationship with you. And always remember, God is the best friend that you could have.
I pray that you have an encounter with God that changes your life. Be encouraged!
God Loves you.
Love and peace,
Yolanda Billingslea (Ms. B)
FYI: My Facebook Page name is Yolanda Billingslea (my profile picture has "Unbreakable" across it). Be inspired and encouraged by my daily posts.
You are my friends, if you do what I command you. - John 15:14
Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it. – Luke 11:28
The lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. – Psalm 37:23-24
Song: Every Praise – Hezekiah Walker
