I make sure to tell God often, the things that I am thankful to Him for.
Last night before I went to bed, I thanked Him for:
Sustaining me in the wilderness.
Providing for me in the wilderness.
Nurturing me in the wilderness.
Protecting me in the wilderness.
Healing me in the wilderness.
Reviving my spirit in the wilderness.
Shaping and transforming me into His likeness, in the wilderness.
Bringing me back into alignment with His will, in the wilderness.
Using me for His purpose, in the wilderness.
Guiding me in the wilderness.
Sending me Angels in the wilderness.
Amen. I even thanked God for the wilderness because I know that it serves His purpose for my life. He is preparing me for His promise and for my purpose.
Recall the ways in which God has blessed you and be thankful.
Take a moment and say, thank you God, for what you have done for me, and He will do so much more. ♡
Be encouraged! God loves you.
Love and peace,
Yolanda Billingslea (Ms. B)
FYI: My Facebook Page name is Yolanda Billingslea (my profile picture has "Unbreakable" across it). Be inspired and encouraged by my daily posts.
