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My Vision Board from January 2022 Reflects That God is a Promise Keeper!

Writer's picture: Yolanda BillingsleaYolanda Billingslea

Updated: Jun 15, 2024

I just must tell you that the God that I serve, Jesus Christ, is indeed a promise keeper, and in one way or another, He keeps reminding me of this every day.

So, on June 10, 2024, as I was going through the pictures on my cell phone in search of something that I had taken a screenshot of long ago, I came across a few pictures of the early stages of my Vision Board, which I created in January of 2022.

It really felt good to see a picture of my Vision Board, being as though I no longer have it on my wall.

As I looked at the picture of my Vision Board, and I looked at the way my apartment looked during the time when I was building my business (with my new printer, new laptop, and other office supplies stacked against the wall in front of my bed), it really took me back to that very sacred time, where it was just myself and God, and where He was speaking to me and telling me what His plans were for me and my future and what His plans were for the business that He had just given me; Formula B Solutions Strategic Program Designers & Consulting Services.

Yesss... The moment was so powerful and incredible (for the full story, read my Blog Post dated April 17th, 2022, titled: My Supernatural Encounter with God: A Journal Entry from January 2022). As God told me His plans for me and gave me other messages, I wrote them on Post-it notes, many of which I still have today, and I put them on the wall near my television, and I dubbed that space, my Vision Board.

The pictures of my Vision Board that I located the other day does not capture my Vision Board in its entirety, meaning, after it had developed more and expanded, where it had got to the point that not only was the area next to my television completely covered with Post-it notes and various printouts of things that were also a part of my vision for my business, but the entire screen of my 48-inch television was also covered with Post-it notes... all with messages from God.

Those notes stayed up there for many months. I was not looking at television during that time, nor was I in contact with anyone. It was really just me and God.

One of the notes I read the other day on my Vision Board reflected that God told me (and I remember this moment too) that He did not want me around anyone / He did not want me in contact with anyone / He did not want me to talk to anyone while I was building my business because He did not want anyone to be able to take any of the credit for its success.

I am so serious that God told me exactly this. Lol. So, I did everything on my own, including my website, and I never consulted with anyone about it, or anything else pertaining to my business.

God also told me not to tell anyone about Formula B Solutions... because He did not want anyone to plant any seeds of doubt in my mind that would cause me to lose my faith in my business and my faith in God and dismiss and abort the promises that He had made to me that my business would be a huge success.

God wanted me to keep everything a secret in order to protect my vision and my dream because He knew that during that time, my faith in the project was very fragile. He knew that if I told someone about my new business during the time when I was building it, I would have had to explain it to them, and the way it sounded at that time, in the very beginning stages of its development, I am certain that people would have said, "Yeah... okay Yolanda. I really don't see you making it with this". And the truth is, all I needed was for one person to doubt my success with my business, and I would have not moved forward with it, and God knew that.

While it was true that God had given me a business (a vision and a dream), and He had given me instructions on how to build... and He had given me programs and other ideas and solutions, even with all of that, quite honestly, I was not confident in the project because I had no clue what else was going on because God gave me these things/these messages incrementally.

God never once laid out the entire plan in front of me so that it would make sense to me, and I know now that it was because He wanted me to have faith in Him - each step of the way, and He also did not want me to go ahead of Him and start doing my own thing, especially because Formula B Solutions Strategic Designers & Consulting Services was not my idea. It was His. Formula B Solutions... is God's business, and He simply chose me to partner with Him.

You see, I eventually learned that the whole point of God partnering with me, was for Him to lead me and guide me step by step, and for me to submit to His leadership and follow Him. And I did just that, and God guided me step by step throughout the entire process (to-date). I was always obedient and continue to be, and I trusted Him, even when I did not understand, and even when I was not sure of the outcome.

But let me share this part of the story with you, because it would be unfair if I did not:

So, guess what? God told me not to tell anyone about my business, but I actually ended up doing so, which means that I was disobedient, and my disobedience cost me. It did. And that is what usually happens when we are disobedient to God's instructions for our life. My disobedience put me in a very bad space spiritually.

What happen was, after Formula B Solutions Strategic Program Designers & Consulting Services became official, on January 18th, 2022, a few days later, I contacted a lady who I was pretty close to at one point, and I shared the information with her about me being a business owner via Facebook voice messages. I was so excited about becoming an entrepreneur... a new business owner, that I just had to share it with someone.

And guess what? God was so right about what He told me... His reasons for telling me not to share the information with anyone.

So... when I told the lady, her response crushed me because it was filled with doubt. I know (or at least, I believe) that it was not intentional, but again, my faith concerning my business was very shaky during that time and she caused me to doubt myself and God. I really had to pray really hard and repent and ask God to forgive me for my disobedience, and of course He did. I also prayed that God would bring me back to that place where I believed Him, and He did. I thank God because if my faith had not been restored, there would be no Formula B Solutions Strategic Program Designers & Consulting Services.

Meanwhile, shortly after that experience, I ended up being glad that it happened because it taught me a very valuable lesson, and that was to just always trust God and believe in Him and believe that if He gave me a business, and a vision, and some promises, and if He chose me to be a solution to problems in this world that grieves his heart, then I need to have faith and believe. And from that point on, I did. I believed all that God told me about my future and the future of my business, Formula B Solutions Strategic Program Designers & Consulting Services.

Regarding the lady who, against God instructions, I told about my business:

After I had sent her many messages via Facebook messenger, telling her about my new business and my supernatural encounter with God when He gave me the business, and after she replied with her message that reflected that she could not see how my business could possibly be successful or whatever, I went back and deleted almost every message that I sent her. I did it because I was hurt, and I had wished that I never told her about it.

However. for some reason unbeknownst to me, there were a couple of messages that I did not delete, and I am glad for that because I listened to them several weeks ago, and it made my heart glad.

As I listened to the messages, I heard the excitement and surprise in my voice, and I also heard how emotional I was as I described my unexpected encounter with God when He gave me my business idea, and it just took me back to that moment in my life two and a half years ago, and I became filled with so much gratitude. I am so glad that God chose me.

Meanwhile, back to my Vision Board:

So, I distinctly remember that the things/the messages that God was telling me that I was putting on my Vision Board seemed so outlandish, as I had absolutely no idea how those things would ever/could ever come to pass; I just could not see it, but I remember God saying, "trust me." He said, 'trust me daughter". And, two and a half years later, I can tell you that God is a promise keeper. That is all that I am going to say right now. He is a promise keeper! Amen.

Also, just to let you know, my Vision Board started with one photo (printed off of the internet) of a person. I wrote a message concerning the person and I posted it at the bottom of the photo.

The next photo on my Vision Board was of me. Then the next posting on my Vision Board was a printout of my business name and logo.

One day, I may come back to this Blog Post and add the picture of my Vision Board.

My message to you today is: Believe in God for whatever He has told you about your life/about the plans He has for you. And also, fully submit to Him and His will, which means that you have to abandon your own will. Also, be obedient to every single instruction that God gives you, and do not delay in doing so. Lastly, have faith, patience, and endurance, and be consistent.

God loves you. Be encouraged.

Love and peace,

Yolanda Billingslea (Ms. B)

FYI: My Facebook Page name is Yolanda Billingslea (my profile picture has "Unbreakable" across it). Be inspired and encouraged by my daily posts.

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