In case you did not know, April is Second Chance Month.
I am starting this Blog Post with a quote from President Biden:
"America is a nation of laws and second chances, redemption, and rehabilitation."
God wants us to help people in any way that we can, even if it is just with a prayer. Yet, often times, this is difficult for some people to do once they consider what the person have done.
"Focusing on the "what" [what someone did] will have you judging [them] and you can't help [them] if you judge [them]. ♡
If you don't understand the "why" [why someone did what they did], you can't pray for healing."
Bishop T. D. Jakes
The "Why" -
*Childhood trauma:
- Separation Anxiety
- Depression
- Absent father
- Low self-esteem
- Physical abuse
- Verbal abuse
- Sexual abuse
*Adult trauma:
- Stalked
- Sexually Abused
- Toxic relationships
- Mental Illness/Stigma/No professional help
- Lack of adequate social supports
- Financial hardships
- Substance abuse
- Incarceration ⬅️
If we don't understand the "why", we would never be able to come up with solutions to prevent future occurrences (crime). #Solutions
"Ministry begins when [we] start praying about the "why" [why something happened].
[We] can't minister effectively if [we] never get to the 'why". ♡ - Bishop T. D. Jakes
Be encouraged! God loves you.
Love and peace,
Yolanda Billingslea (Ms. B)