The everyday vicissitudes of life can be draining and have a negative impact on you day to day, and so wellness is very important. Spiritual wellness, emotional wellness, physical wellness...
Be mindful about doing whatever you need to do to cultivate your wellness and maintain it. Below are some tips:
Re: Spiritual wellness - Guard your spirit and mind from toxic thoughts, and messages/conversations with toxic people. Guard your mind and spirit against thoughts and ideas and opinions that opposes who God says you are. Stay prayerful and stay connected to the word of God. Fellowship with other believers.
Re: Emotional wellness - Let go (or distance yourself) from any and all relationships that are not serving you in terms of support, edification, love, and appreciation. Also, do whatever is necessary to remove yourself from places and situations that wreak havoc on your mental health.
Re: Physical wellness - Eat nutritional meals and eat according to your dietary restrictions. Drink a lot of water. Get rest. Get at least 7 hours of sleep. Sleep in whenever you can and whenever you need to, and do not feel guilty about it. Exercise. Even if it means going for a walk.
And lastly, do a device detox ever so often. A device detox is unplugging/ungluing yourself from your phone, social media accounts, and your laptop (put that work away... it can wait).
Relax, rejuvenate, and then get back out there and be your best self!
Yes indeed. We have to make our wellness a priority.

Blessings, love, and peace to all,
Ms. Billingslea, Yolanda